All of the movies that we've seen have shown us movie stars with absolutely perfect physiques, but where are our results after blowing hours working out to no avail? With the help of this article, we will discover what you could be doing better.
Doesn't it seem impossible?
All of the musclebound men in Hollywood with great physiques can make you feel inadequate, no matter how hard you work out at the gym and try to get more toned.
Hollywood Muscle and PhotoshopHow can those muscles not be real? How does video get the Photoshop treatment? It's possible, but actors have a few advantages up their sleeve that you simply do not have access to.
Do you ever see 'before' and 'after' pictures, and notice that the lighting is a lot different between the two? When you look at the 'before' picture, there are a lot of highlights and a lack of shadow definition. These lighting effects leave people looking much flabbier than they are normally, and without a lot of muscle.
Everything changes when we get to the 'after' picture, however. With the help of down-lighting, each muscle is more defined and the edges are easier to see, helping with that 'ripped' look.
Films can also use this technique, as a lot of work goes into the lighting of a particular setpiece. If you use the right lighting trickery, you can give added definition to an actor's muscles. Given the correct 'grading' and perfect editing, the film will have a much different contrast to enhance their physique.
Get Greasy
Baby oil is often used to make actors look better on film. If you grease them up with this appearance, their muscles will be more defined and look more full.
Angles Are Everything
Despite what you may think, Sylvester Stallone is incredibly short, only 5'7". Given this fact, what makes him look gigantic in the films that he is in? There are low camera angles that are used under a person's chin, which has the effect of making him look taller than his real stature.
Pumping Up
As Hugh Jackman filmed the Wolverine movie, he let out a secret. Before each take of the film, he would keep dumbbells just off shot in order to pump up his muscles with blood, making them look bigger every time. There is no faster way to make your biceps look at least an inch bigger.
Get a tan!
When you go to the beach, who do you look at: The toned girl with a good body, or the tan skinny girl? The girl with the tan will actually show off her muscles more. How we perceive shapes is how we largely determine muscle tone. The girl with the tan will look more defined than the lighter-skinned girl, because her skin will reflect a greater amount of light back into your eyes.
Hair on your chest can get in the way of seeing your pecs. You will not look as ripped if you have a lot of hair on your chest. Chest hair was conspicuously absent on the physiques of 1980s action stars. (Women obviously do not have this problem!)
Is there anything else?
When movie stars are on the screen, they will be at their absolute physical prime and have the help of many. Movie stars will undergo strict diet and exercise regimens for months at a time with the help of experienced trainers and nutritionists, and makeup artists and hairstylists will help them look their best - their outfits are usually well fitting and flattering as well.
As a result, you should not feel bad about not looking as good as Taylor Lautner does the next time you go to a movie. He has a lot of training, but you work hard as well. He can only get that perfect look with the help of dozens of trainers and stylists - you have more realistic goals in mind.
Can you get Hollywood muscle? Of course you can.
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