Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Finally! Power Balance bracelets exposed as a scam

In follow up to a previous article I wrote on these little bullsh*t bands, there has been some legal action against The Power Balance band makers by The ACCC.

In an article over at (full article here), it reads:
"The Australian Compet

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When eating to excess is a good thing

No, I haven't gone completely mad.


You might be thinking:
"How can eating a lot of food do me any favours in the weight-loss department you demented, balding mofo?"
Whilst I don't appreciate the snide remarks about my hair-line, the ans

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Drinking water at meal times might be a bad idea

"I drink 4-5 gallons a day—I still have a spare tyre and eat cakes in my sleep, but at least I have that water thing covered"

I see it in comment threads everywhere aswell as blog posts
Sure, it's healthy to drink a sh*t-load of water on every

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Slender physique trumps fruit and vegetables for cancer prevention

According to a post made by The Age, staying slim and drinking less alcohol is a better way to ward off cancer than eating fruit and vegetables.

Professor Tim Key, from Oxford University, said: "Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a heal

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Monday, November 29, 2010

5 key things I'll be doing to stay 'ripped' this holiday season

So right now I kinda have a four-pack (is that even a thing?), and due to my age, genetics and inability to give up the finer things in life, i'll probably never attain the highly coveted extra couple of packs™—But that's ok.
In the coming weeks

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What's the deal with the Paleo Diet?

You've probably read a lot about the Paleo diet and what it involves, but here's a brief run-down on it.
I'll also go into my own personal criticisms on it, as well as some of the things that I actually like about it.

First, a disclaimer

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Monday, November 22, 2010

11 things I wish I'd known when i first started training

You can't put an old head on young shoulders
For the most part this is true.
Trial and error when it comes to physical exercise and dieting is something which not only makes you wiser, but also debunks your own set of pre-conceived ideas.

What w

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Australians are opting to trim their fat the easy way

I stumbled on an article today which is alarming to say the very least.
It claims that Australians are turning to the knife for weight loss and that a new survey shows the number of Australians using surgery to lose weight has increased tenfold in t

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gain strength and lose fat at the same time

I get excited when I trialling something, and it actually works out
There's a myth floating around that you can't gain strength and lose fat at the same time.
It's kinda like saying, you can't go away for a birthday and end up getting engaged at

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clint's current workout: Phase III of Visual Impact

As you may have read previously, I'm currently the test dummy for Rusty Moore's Visual Impact program.
I don't adhere to fads nor gimmicks (how'd you guess that?) so i was skeptical at first, but then I got to know Rusty and his style of teachin

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino gives you another reason to avoid fitness magazines

Mens Fitness and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino are a match made in heaven
Television star (The Jersey Shore) meets trashy, 'unhelpful in any way or form' magazine.
I admire a person that trains, keeps fit and enjoys life, but when someone gives t

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Six-pack abs can go and get fudged

If I see another article talking about six-pack abs and how to achieve them (not including this one), I think I'm going to puke.

It'd be great if Google recognised such search terms and displayed a screen to the user saying:
"You look like you'r

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to keep motivated when your fatloss results aren't showing

Training and looking after yourself can be a down-right bitch a lot of the time.
You can pound the iron 6 days a week and eat like a sand-fly with barely a rumble in the belly fat let alone dropping a jean size.

All too often, we look at this as

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Hilarious training gimmicks – #4 The Power Plate

Another week, another ridiculous pile of excrement.
Today, I'm going to focus on the Power Plate.

As you can probably tell, The Power Plate is a sh*t-load of awesome
You can hold yourself in ANY one position and melt away the adipose fat aro

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Which is better, cardio or resistance training?

There's currently a lot of hype in the media right concerning which is better, cardio or resistance training.
I read a LOT of fitness related press and blogs.
They all seem to offer the same inane point of view which is masked in a layer of fluff

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Top 5 douche-bags you'll find at the beach this summer

As we're all aware, there's an ample supply of douche-bags in the gym.
What happens when these crazy bags of douchiness break free from their natural health-club habitat and descend upon the masses at the beach?
You get a whole bunch of new ways t

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

5 Muscle building myths that couldn't be further from the truth (guest post)

Today’s guest post is by Rafi Bar-Lev.
He's a fitness fanatic and the founder of the community fitness site, Passionate Fitness - Fitness Tips.
He recently wrote about the top 15 exercises to lose weight as well as interval training in a nutshell

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Monday, October 11, 2010

If you got a dog, you got a gym!

Thankyou Phon for bringing this video to my attention.
It certainly sounds a lot like a certain REAL gimmick that I talked about on this blog recently :)


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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Clint's current workout: Phase II of Visual Impact

As you may have read previously, I'm currently the test dummy for Rusty Moore's Visual Impact program.
I don't adhere to fads nor gimmicks (how'd you guess that?), so i was skeptical at first, but then I got to know Rusty and his style of teachi

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The man who really invented bodybuilding in an age before steroids

In today's world, there is a significant freak-show aspect brought about by steroid use, where-as in the days before steroids even existed, the worlds biggest and strongest man was a lot smaller and would barely be a pimple on the back of Ronnie Cole

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New study: Not getting enough sleep limits fat loss and strips away your muscle

I take most 'new' studies with a grain of salt, but this one seems interesting enough for me at least to post about.
It appears to be nothing new in regards to information, but certainly gives ammunition to the age-old argument of getting a decent n

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Training for muscle growth whilst losing body fat at the same time

This is a highly controversial topic which seems to pop-up on the radar more often than man-boobs show up at the beach.

Is it possible to add muscle whilst losing body fat at the same time?
Some would argue it isn't, but au contraire mon frere,

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hilarious training gimmicks - #3 Body by Jake Tower 200

Body by Jake Tower 200 — If you've got a door, you've got a gym!
You heard it people, this crazy-ass piece of equipment will have you looking as shredded and toned as the guys in this video in just 11 minutes day!

Here's the marketing spiel...

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chest stopped growing? Bang-for-buck exercises that build new muscle

Everyone has their goto bunch of exercises that they use when they KNOW they've hit a wall.
Sure-fire workout routines that build muscle are a MUST HAVE in anyones box of training tricks.

What should you do when you've stopped 'gaining'?
I can't

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

iPhone support now added to Crude Fitness

Crude Fitness has gone mobile!
Now you can read Crude Fitness all day, every day whilst you're out and about on public transport, getting your tummy tucked or maybe whilst you're in the gym smashing your fat into orbit.

It's a brand-new, sex

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Top 5 reasons why adding more and more muscle won't increase your chances with the ladies

I realise this is a male-sentric post, but please bare with me. I promise there will be something in it for everybody.
I'm also aware that it'll ruffle feathers and piss some people off - that too, is fine. Opinions are like ar*e-holes—everyone h

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coconut oil for fat loss - Why you should be eating natures fat burning, super food

Who'd have thunk it — there's a fat out there that will actually aid in the fat loss process. It almost sounds like science-fiction.

"Yeah buddy, eat fat and lose it. Next you'll be saying you can eat hair and lose that too..."

Let's delve in

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Which alcoholic drinks are the worst when trying to lose fat?

It's science...
Sometimes you just want to go out and have ten too many.
I'm not abdicating alcohol abuse, drunken 3am ATM withdrawals or sleeping with random people.
What I'm really trying to do, is show which alcoholic drinks are the LEAST harmf

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Advanced fit ball exercises - Ignite new muscle growth, gain strength and burn fat

Last month I did a post on fit ball exercises and how you can use them as a weapon in your arsenal of awesome.
It hopefully debunked the myths surrounding this unique piece of equipment by presenting a basic routine and rundown all supplied by Janel

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Smash your belly fat into orbit - 5 things stalling your fat loss progress

It happens to all of us at some point.
You seemingly have the ability to lose weight super fast, magically shedding pounds like Kanye West shedding his credibility.

You try a bunch of lose weight diets and stick to a stringent routine which all m

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Guest post at Project Swole

Thought I'd bring to your attention (in case you haven't already checked it out) a guest post I recently did over at Project Swole:
The Top 5 things women do that hinder their progress in the gym.

Steve has a similar no bullsh*t writing style to

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bigger biceps & triceps - 5 Tips for building arm muscle fast

One thing that is synonymous amongst the male crowd who train, is the desire for seriously big and strong biceps & triceps.
We all love to squat and dead-lift (right guys?), but no one wants to reveal their thighs and quads quite like they do t

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Is creatine bad for your health? The controversy surrounding the much-loved supplement

A recent news article which popped up on the internets a few weeks back seems to have tarnished the well-known and most studied sports supplement ever—creatine.

Of course from the media's perspective, it's easy to sensationalise stories such as

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is it ok to exercise when you're feeling sick and run down?

Are you after the answer you want to hear or the one which will see you resting your sorry ass on the couch for at least a week.

There is a grey area involved for anyone that's powering through their exercise routine on a 3 to 4 day basis each wee

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Top 7 mistakes of a personal trainer

I'm not a PT, and I know it's not as simple as taking an exam on the weekend to become certified, but unfortunately I see a bunch of them making mistakes that I thought were reserved for the unqualified.

It's gotta be the minority giving the major

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is drinking more water the key to weight loss?

I feel like this topic is well-trodden ground, but it's hype induced articles such as the one posted in the news this morning that caught my attention.

It offers no new information but instead applies simple logic to the calories in vs calories ou

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hilarious training gimmicks - #2 The Power Balance band

The second gimmick to be brought to my attention recently, is the Power Balance Band (or bracelet), brought to you by the almighty Howarts! errr, I mean Power Balance!

This has to be the biggest and BEST scam to have taken hold of the general pop

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The best training split ever - does it exist?

Everyone is searching for the holy-mutha-f*$ken-grail of training splits.
How does one go about deciding which circuits or body parts to train on any particular day?
After all, there are literally hundreds of variations out there.

They work for

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's a healthy body fat percent for freaky abdominal definition?

The burning question is "What's a healthy body fat percent for freaky abdominal definition?"

Are you looking for a six-pack, or are you just aiming to be in a healthy body fat range for a fit adult?

I'll assume you're after a body fat level t

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A kick-ass way to increase your bench press

Increasing your bench press is often considered the 'holy grail' in most gyms.
Every wanna-be meat-head gathers around the bench press in a pair of flip-flops, trying to impress their mates by lifting more than Oprah Winfrey's mid-morning snack.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

The weight gain diet - 5 foods making you fat

The fact of the matter is, we eat things which pack on the pounds without even realising it.
The media has a lot to answer for in a realm of contradictory information.
One day it's ok to eat this, the next it's not ok to eat that.

Give me a brea

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

The travel gym - Keeping the fat off whilst on holidays

Many of us like to maintain our shape when traveling for long periods of time abroad.

It can be a hard task - Drinking too much, eating our weight in exotic foods and then there's the exercise part (or lack there-of).
The only form of activity se

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 more traits of a gym douchebag

I wrote about the Top 10 traits of a gym douchebag a couple of weeks ago and due to the overwhelming response, I now have another 10 to add to this seemingly ever-growing list!

[caption id="attachment_913" align="alignleft" width="175" caption="Hi

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hilarious training gimmicks - #1 The Shake Weight

Marketing has a lot to answer for when it comes to the fitness industry.
I'm often left wondering who would fall victim to such scams?
But in a world of billions of people, if your exposure is high enough, you are bound to bait a few dud fish.

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Clint's current workout: Visual Impact

I'm currently completing a program outlined by Rusty Moore over at called Visual Impact.
This is a program designed to give you the 'mens health' or 'Hollywood' kind of look rather than the bulky muscle-bound look that a lot of

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Shoulder impingement syndrome

One of the top 3, if not THE top injury to be found in any weights area of a gym, is a shoulder injury. The most common of these would have to be a shoulder impingement.

If you've ever felt pain in your shoulder when pressing overhead, you may ver

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

5 ways to stop binge eating

We all have our moments where reaching for a bag of cookies becomes part of our 'zombie-like' mindset. It all happens with surprising autonomy.
It wont become apparent until you are licking the last crumb from the packet either, which is the most di

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't say 'NO' to the cheese plate!

I normally wouldn't post on what I'm doing at the weekend, but this feels pretty relevant.

A healthy lifestyle, in my mind, takes into account variation, enjoyment and doing it all with a smile on the dial.
This weekend, I happen to be going to t

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Easy Breakfast: #1 Protein Shake heaven

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be profiling a meal that I eat MYSELF which is easy to make for the time poor amongst us – oh, and is healthy and will keep you satiated until lunchtime. WIN?

Without a doubt, convenience is paramount to success for

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Top 10 ways to lose stubborn fat

We all want the holy grail of fat burning advice to the point where we’d probably sell our first born child, and maybe even the second one, all for a magic pill which will make that stubborn adipose tissue get the hell off our waistlines and annoy

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Want to burn fat fast? HIIT will kick your ass

If your current cardio routine is 'easy' for you, then perhaps you’re doing it wrong. Hold on a minute matey, I’m not talking about aerobics, pump classes or anything else ending in ‘class’, but rather, I'm talking about the zombie-like crowd of gym-goers that consistently leash themselves to the nearest elliptical/treadmill or any other piece of ‘fat burning’ equipment that is hooked up to Pay TV, to run at a steady-state for 45mins or longer.

If you are training like this 5 days

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Fit ball exercise – What you didn't know

A topic that is largely stigmatised and seldom spoken about, is one on using a fit ball to exercise. To the guys reading this, I know you're probably thinking that they're ‘girlie’ and no man would be caught dead using one.

Seriously though, I use one every second or third workout and they are NOT a gimmick by any stretch of the imagination.

If you want to improve all your lifts (yes guys including bench press), read on.

Janelle Waters a Holistic Lifestyle coach over at NESH will

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Top 10 traits of a gym 'douchebag'

We’ve all experienced the dreaded gym ‘douche-bag’ and we often let it fly and don’t not say anything (Let’s face it – it’s easier to be nice and let things slide than to cause a scene).

How can you recognize one? What if you ARE one and don’t realise it? Here is a list of things that you can measure yourself against to see if you’re one of the culprits.

[caption id="attachment_508" align="alignleft" width="213" caption="Jeans have no place in the gym "] [/caption]

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Which supplements are worth it?

Ive been there and spent the hard earned cash.
Here ill tell you which worked for me and which didn’t.

Let me first state up front that I am in no way affiliated with any supplement suppliers and am not being paid for the following information. It is entirely my own opinion.

There’s a lot of propaganda surrounding the fitness industry. The supplement companies would have you believe that you need buy and use a little bit of everything. It’s one of the most daunting and confusing thi

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Body of a Hollywood star

We’ve all seen plenty of movies and think to ourselves:
“How come I spend literally HOURS in the gym, and yet can’t achieve a body that looks even remotely like what’s up there on the silver screen.”

The Photoshop effect in Hollywood (Hollywood muscle)
Who isn't aware of the Photoshop work that goes into movie posters and magazine covers. What about movies then? Surely, what we see on the big-screen is real? How can you Photoshop video?
Well you can, but there are several other t

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Beer made me fat

One of the toughest issues affecting anyone committed to a healthy lifestyle, would have to be the topic of alcohol. After all, we all want to look lean and mean, but still enjoy life. Is there a happy medium?

Can we still go out and 'get smashed' from time to time whilst maintaining an awesome physique? Or will beer make me fat?

The 70% Rule
A rule I regularly practise, and actually works. It might not work for a small number of the population, but for the rest of us it will lower your

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Looking 'good' naked

We don’t all want to look big, bulky and like we’re on the juice.

I see it all the time. Program after program designed to target one thing–making you look massive.

Don’t get me wrong, muscle size is definitely something I aspire to, but unless you’re an up and coming footballer or a Mr Olympia competitor, lets go back to the basics and concentrate on things that matter.

[caption id="attachment_182" align="alignleft" width="214" caption="Looking MASSIVE isn't always a good

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Supplement madness

Save your hard earned cash. Most of them aren’t worth their weight.
Like most people, you're probably hounded by advertising day in and day out about the next big thing in bodybuilding or fitness supplements.

They all preach the same things: 'Six pack abs' or 'mind-blowing pumps!’ and the list could go on forever.

Let me be honest with you –I was fooled by marketing for a long time before I realized that it was costing me more money than it was worth.
I took varying degrees of ever

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Supplement madness

Save your hard earned cash. Most of them aren’t worth their weight.
Like most people, you're probably hounded by advertising day in and day out about the next big thing in bodybuilding or fitness supplements.

They all preach the same things: 'Six pack abs' or 'mind-blowing pumps!’ and the list could go on forever.

Let me be honest with you –I was fooled by marketing for a long time before I realized that it was costing me more money than it was worth.
I took varying degrees of ever

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is it Impossible To Achieve Hollywood Muscle?

All of the movies that we've seen have shown us movie stars with absolutely perfect physiques, but where are our results after blowing hours working out to no avail? With the help of this article, we will discover what you could be doing better.

Doesn't it seem impossible?
All of the musclebound men in Hollywood with great physiques can make you feel inadequate, no matter how hard you work out at the gym and try to get more toned.

Hollywood Muscle and Photoshop
How can those muscles not be real? How does video get the Photoshop treatment? It's possible, but actors have a few advantages up their sleeve that you simply do not have access to.

Do you ever see 'before' and 'after' pictures, and notice that the lighting is a lot different between the two? When you look at the 'before' picture, there are a lot of highlights and a lack of shadow definition. These lighting effects leave people looking much flabbier than they are normally, and without a lot of muscle.

Everything changes when we get to the 'after' picture, however. With the help of down-lighting, each muscle is more defined and the edges are easier to see, helping with that 'ripped' look.

Films can also use this technique, as a lot of work goes into the lighting of a particular setpiece. If you use the right lighting trickery, you can give added definition to an actor's muscles. Given the correct 'grading' and perfect editing, the film will have a much different contrast to enhance their physique.

Get Greasy
Baby oil is often used to make actors look better on film. If you grease them up with this appearance, their muscles will be more defined and look more full.

Angles Are Everything
Despite what you may think, Sylvester Stallone is incredibly short, only 5'7". Given this fact, what makes him look gigantic in the films that he is in? There are low camera angles that are used under a person's chin, which has the effect of making him look taller than his real stature.

Pumping Up
As Hugh Jackman filmed the Wolverine movie, he let out a secret. Before each take of the film, he would keep dumbbells just off shot in order to pump up his muscles with blood, making them look bigger every time. There is no faster way to make your biceps look at least an inch bigger.

Get a tan!
When you go to the beach, who do you look at: The toned girl with a good body, or the tan skinny girl? The girl with the tan will actually show off her muscles more. How we perceive shapes is how we largely determine muscle tone. The girl with the tan will look more defined than the lighter-skinned girl, because her skin will reflect a greater amount of light back into your eyes.

Hair on your chest can get in the way of seeing your pecs. You will not look as ripped if you have a lot of hair on your chest. Chest hair was conspicuously absent on the physiques of 1980s action stars. (Women obviously do not have this problem!)

Is there anything else?
When movie stars are on the screen, they will be at their absolute physical prime and have the help of many. Movie stars will undergo strict diet and exercise regimens for months at a time with the help of experienced trainers and nutritionists, and makeup artists and hairstylists will help them look their best - their outfits are usually well fitting and flattering as well.

As a result, you should not feel bad about not looking as good as Taylor Lautner does the next time you go to a movie. He has a lot of training, but you work hard as well. He can only get that perfect look with the help of dozens of trainers and stylists - you have more realistic goals in mind.

Can you get Hollywood muscle? Of course you can.

Like this article? Read more at Crude Fitness